Stoppable Podcast

About the Stoppable Podcast

Stoppable is the true crime podcast that explores the riveting and dramatic stories of people who become enthralled with the idea of mass killing to achieve their ends. The podcast delves into the back stories of perpetrators to solve the mystery of how and why our friends, neighbors, siblings, children, and parents turn to dark acts of extreme violence against innocent victims.

In examining these cases, you will walk in the shoes of the perpetrators and travel on their journey as our team of mass-murder and terrorism experts analyze the actions of people preparing to commit atrocities. Every episode details a captivating tale of suspense and terror.

In the end, you will discover why these planned tragedies did–or did not–occur.

Stoppable is jointly produced by Muflehun and District Productive.


Episode O

Stoppable Trailer

Stoppable is the true crime podcast that explores the riveting and dramatic stories of people who become enthralled with the idea of mass killing to achieve their ends.

Episode notes 
Episode 1

Building 1200

The 19 year-old walked towards the school from where he had been expelled the previous year…What was about to happen?…Was this Stoppable?

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Episode 2

We Have a Visitor

When a young man walked into the Bible Study Class, a Reverend called out, “Pastor, we have a visitor.”

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Episode 3

Strangers Welcome

A nursing student went to visit a House of Worship on a holiday. The members there proudly proclaimed “Everyone is welcome and accepted, regardless of background, knowledge, or affiliation.” What was about to happen?

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Episode 4

A Recipe for Chaos

An Army Specialist, sworn to protect his country through his military service, planned to shared the knowledge and expertise he had gained in the military.

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Episode 5

Making ‘Smores with Nazis

Dr. Erin Saltman, the Director of Programming at the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), discusses the important work the members of GIFCT are doing to “prevent terrorists and violent extremists from exploiting digital platforms” and the term “borderline content” that is now increasingly come up in discussions.

Episode notes 
Episode 6

Following the White Rabbit

A little before sunrise, three buddies turned into the parking lot of a house of worship In Minnesota where people were gathering to pray. What was about to happen? Was this Stoppable?

Episode notes 
Episode 7

Be Careful

After traveling overnight 500+ miles to participate in a celebration of unity, a young man from a small town in Ohio got back in his car to drive home…until he took a turn back towards town.

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Episode 8


An 18-year old traveled hundreds of miles from his home on a secret mission.

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Episode 9

Pretend to be Dead

Seeing the crowds of families, he went back to his car to retrieve his recent purchase. He we walked back towards the lemonade stand.

What was about to happen?

Was this Stoppable?

Episode notes